- All guests will be asked to present proof of a negative Covid-19 test (PCR) at embarkation (excludes residents and visitors’ who have been in French Polynesia for over 14 days).
- All Guests will be required to present the completed Health Declaration Covid-19 form included with final travel documents.
- All guests will undergo a health check and screening by the ship’s medical staff.
- All luggage will pass through a disinfecting zone by sanitizing mist or UV lamps.
- Surgical and cloth masks, disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer bottles will be provided to passengers.
On-board experience
- 100 percent fresh air in staterooms, through non-recirculating air conditioning systems.
- Ventilated air will be renewed in the common areas at least five times per hour.
- Restaurant layouts have been redesigned and will only offer contactless a la carte dining options.
- Public spaces, such as the fitness room and theater will be capped at 50 percent occupancy.
- Hourly disinfecting of high-touch points, such as door handles and handrails, with EcoLab peroxide, which eliminates 100 percent of germs, bacteria and against biological contamination.
- Crew members are required to wear a mask or protective visor when in contact with guests.
- Guests will be asked to wear a mask in hallway corridors and will be recommended in public spaces.
- The Gauguin is equipped with advanced hospital equipment, including mobile laboratory terminals that enable testing on site for infectious or tropical diseases. Advanced diagnostic equipment such as ultrasound, radiology and blood biological analysis is available, and one doctor and one nurse are present on every sailing.
- During the cruise, hydroalcoholic gel is placed at several points of the ship in self-service.
- All passengers are asked to vacate their cabins by 8:00 am.
- All passengers (including air/sea guests) must disembark by 10:00 am.
- Air/Sea guests will be given a tour/transfer from the pier to the hotel, arriving hotel at approximately 12:30 – 1:00 pm. Guests may have lunch on their own while awaiting the 3:00 pm check in for dayroom accommodations.
- Each guest will be given a “safe journey back home” kit made up of two additional masks and a hydroalcoholic gel.
If you have any questions regarding an upcoming cruise, please contact your travel advisor. Our team is also available to assist you, Monday – Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, at 800-848-6172 and by email at customerservice@pgcruises.com.
We look forward to once again welcoming our guests on board and providing them peace of mind with exceptional cruise experiences in Tahiti, French Polynesia, and the South Pacific.
Māuruuru roa,
Paul Gauguin Cruises